Tom's Tips

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In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom reminds us that until the customer begins buying, we can’t begin selling!

Just like you must have a sales process to guide your staff, you also need a systematic approach to asking for referrals as well.

For most of us, NOT giving your opinion is more difficult than you think

Beginning each morning with an attitude of gratitude will help set the tone of your day.

The customer’s initial impressions of your competency begin before the entry door is ever swung open.

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom reminds us that an acknowledgement is a confirmation that the correspondence you attempted occurred.

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom reminds you that customers really want to hear from customers.

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom asks, “What’s next?” A most important stage is explaining to the customer what they need to do next to keep the process moving

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom discusses customers who move the needle.

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom says “Don't act smarter than a 5th Grader.” In today’s world, many people hate complexity when it comes to communicating.

In this week’s Tom’s Tips, Tom reminds us that control solves problems.

When you’re trying to get your customers to buy into the flooring experience that you’re creating for them, it’s a positive descriptive story that will make

To be the best performer that you can be, you need to have the discipline of pausing briefly.

The best way to improve your performance, especially if you want to stay ahead of your competition, is to discipline yourself to pause.

Customers know when you rush them through a process or transaction. Slow down, build a relationship and you will build trust.